Rocking Chair Test:

Thursday 17 November 2011

What is this blog?

I'm four days into the trip and I've been a bit lax in posting.  Not that I haven't been thinking about it, but I get terribly nervous writing when I think others might be reading so i've been putting it off.  But a wise person once said
"Dance like no ones watching, sing like no ones listening and blog like no ones reading."

 So that's what I'm going to do.  Looking at the notes I've been making the blog will be a bit of a hybrid.

Part personal journal
Part letters home
Part review/critique
Part photo story (once I buy a camera > computer cable to replace the one in Wales)

Some posts will be no more than a few lines, others probably too long as I prattle on.  Feel free to ignore those, they are for my benefit. For when I'm old and grey sitting on that rocking chair trying to remember what the hell I did for six months aged 33.

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